
  1. On Linux ensure you have libgomp1 as well as ocl-icd-libopencl1 installed
  2. Download the latest binary zip for your OS from the releases page or if you can not access GitHub there is a direct download as well.
  3. Run the binary, it will create a default foxy-gh-farmer.yaml in the current directory based on your current chia config.yaml if available.


    If you never set up chia before on this machine you will need to import your 24 word mnemonic using ./foxy-gh-farmer keys add and ensure your PlotNFTs are present in your foxy-gh-farmer.yaml. This can be achieved by copying them from another foxy-gh-farmer.yaml or running ./foxy-gh-farmer join-pool.

  4. Edit the foxy-gh-farmer.yaml to your liking and restart foxy-gh-farmer

  5. Profit!
  1. On Linux ensure you have libgomp1 as well as ocl-icd-libopencl1 installed
  2. Clone the git repo and cd into it:
    git clone && cd foxy-gh-farmer
  3. Create a venv:
    python3 -m venv venv
  4. Install the dependencies:
    venv/bin/pip install .
  5. Run using venv/bin/foxy-gh-farmer (or activate the venv using source venv/bin/activate and then just use foxy-gh-farmer), it will create a default foxy-gh-farmer.yaml in the current directory based on your current chia config.yaml if available.


    If you never set up chia before on this machine you will need to import your 24 word mnemonic using venv/bin/foxy-gh-farmer keys add and ensure your PlotNFTs are present in your foxy-gh-farmer.yaml. This can be achieved by copying them from another foxy-gh-farmer.yaml or running venv/bin/foxy-gh-farmer join-pool.

  6. Edit the foxy-gh-farmer.yaml to your liking and restart foxy-gh-farmer

  7. Profit!

A docker image based on the provided Dockerfile is available via
For specific tags see this list. A docker-compose.yaml example is available as well, to get started.

Currently, this requires you to have a working foxy-gh-farmer.yaml already available to mount into the container. See this example configuration for reference. If you do not have a .chia_keys directory from a previous chia install, you can set the CHIA_MNEMONIC environment variable to your 24 words and it will create they keyring accordingly. Please unset it again once done.


To execute the join-pool command please first exec into the running container with

docker exec -it <name of your container> bash
Then you can run foxy-gh-farmer join-pool inside the container.