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API Reference

The Chia-Dashboard API is organized around REST. It accepts JSON-encoded HTTP requests, returns JSON-encoded responses and uses standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and verbs.

Base URL


The Dashboard API uses API keys to authenticate satellite service stats update requests. The API key for a satellite is shown once after creation.

To use an API key to authenticate a request, append a Authorization header to the request with the following content: Bearer <your API key>.


Authorization: Bearer f2d3a4ed-6480-4ae8-b130-06fd1845b440

Satellite service stats

The satellite service stats object

Full example of a satellite service stats object
    "harvester": {
        "plotCount": 1413,
        "totalCapacityInGib": "143438.92061062715947628029",
        "farmerConnectionsCount": 1
    "farmer": {
        "farmingInfos": [{
            "challenge": "0x5474dbce02c2f8fc4e9361c7471c0839e5f816a439073f7865aff4bc343d7d1a",
            "signagePoint": "0x6da1a6ed5ee0efc014d1c855ab7ce77a338991da1a7fbd24ffb1c547155be2df",
            "receivedAt": "2021-05-13T09:13:58.947Z",
            "proofs": 0,
            "passedFilter": 4,
            "totalPlots": 4639,
            "lastUpdated": "2021-05-13T09:13:59.791Z"
        }, {
            "challenge": "0x5474dbce02c2f8fc4e9361c7471c0839e5f816a439073f7865aff4bc343d7d1a",
            "signagePoint": "0x1c6a2168ce4e075da04bd3f45d10d67d08fd9a80cdab5518c1b68ba66150da29",
            "receivedAt": "2021-05-13T09:13:49.035Z",
            "proofs": 0,
            "passedFilter": 5,
            "totalPlots": 4639,
            "lastUpdated": "2021-05-13T09:13:49.796Z"
        "averageHarvesterResponseTime": 844,
        "worstHarvesterResponseTime": 2236
    "fullNode": {
        "blockchainState": {
            "difficulty": 274,
            "spaceInGib": "4449385793.9692783355712890625",
            "syncStatus": {
                "synced": true,
                "syncing": false,
                "syncedHeight": 273868,
                "tipHeight": 273868
            "timestamp": null
        "fullNodeConnectionsCount": 12
    "wallet": {
        "wallets": [{
            "id": 1,
            "name": "Chia Wallet",
            "type": 0,
            "balance": {
                "confirmed": "12.002",
                "spendable": "12.002",
                "unconfirmed": "12.002"
        "syncStatus": {
            "synced": true,
            "syncing": false,
            "syncedHeight": 273866
        "farmedAmount": {
            "farmedAmount": "602.00567",
            "poolRewardAmount": "526.75",
            "farmerRewardAmount": "75.25",
            "feeAmount": "0.00567",
            "lastHeightFarmed": 268715
    "plotter": {
        "completedPlotsToday": 2, // Optional
        "completedPlotsYesterday": 4, // Optional
        "jobs": [{
            "id": "455a0d9e-f797-4950-91b2-6456353da329",
            "startedAt": "2021-05-13T09:37:09.140Z",
            "state": "RUNNING",
            "kSize": 32,
            "phase": 1, // Optional
            "progress": 0.1984006092916984
        }, {
            "id": "e539bacd-b0e2-41e1-bf1c-959326739201",
            "startedAt": "2021-05-13T09:37:09.145Z",
            "state": "RUNNING",
            "kSize": 32,
            "phase": 1,
            "progress": 0.19954303122619954
        }, {
            "id": "de666862-9c36-44f5-b0e8-7e35d86d7976",
            "state": "SUBMITTED",
            "kSize": 32,
            "progress": 0

Updating the satellite service stats


PATCH /satellite

Clients can update the satellite service stats via sparse PATCH requests, containing the updated services in their JSON body. Sending null as the value of a service clears all stats for this service.


PATCH /api/satellite HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer f2d3a4ed-6480-4ae8-b130-06fd1845b440
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 679

    "plotter": {
        "jobs": [{
            "id": "455a0d9e-f797-4950-91b2-6456353da329",
            "startedAt": "2021-05-13T09:37:09.140Z",
            "state": "RUNNING",
            "kSize": 32,
            "progress": 0.1984006092916984
        }, {
            "id": "e539bacd-b0e2-41e1-bf1c-959326739201",
            "startedAt": "2021-05-13T09:37:09.145Z",
            "state": "RUNNING",
            "kSize": 32,
            "progress": 0.19954303122619954
        }, {
            "id": "de666862-9c36-44f5-b0e8-7e35d86d7976",
            "state": "SUBMITTED",
            "kSize": 32,
            "progress": 0
curl --location --request PATCH '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer f2d3a4ed-6480-4ae8-b130-06fd1845b440' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "plotter": {
        "jobs": [{
            "id": "455a0d9e-f797-4950-91b2-6456353da329",
            "startedAt": "2021-05-13T09:37:09.140Z",
            "state": "RUNNING",
            "kSize": 32,
            "progress": 0.1984006092916984
        }, {
            "id": "e539bacd-b0e2-41e1-bf1c-959326739201",
            "startedAt": "2021-05-13T09:37:09.145Z",
            "state": "RUNNING",
            "kSize": 32,
            "progress": 0.19954303122619954
        }, {
            "id": "de666862-9c36-44f5-b0e8-7e35d86d7976",
            "state": "SUBMITTED",
            "kSize": 32,
            "progress": 0
const axios = require('axios');

const apiKey = 'f2d3a4ed-6480-4ae8-b130-06fd1845b440';
const client = axios.create({
  baseURL: '',
  headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${apiKey}` },
await client.patch('satellite', {
    plotter: {
        jobs: [{
            id: '455a0d9e-f797-4950-91b2-6456353da329',
            startedAt: '2021-05-13T09:37:09.140Z',
            state: 'RUNNING',
            kSize: 32,
            progress: 0.1984006092916984,
        }, {
            id: 'e539bacd-b0e2-41e1-bf1c-959326739201',
            startedAt: '2021-05-13T09:37:09.145Z',
            state: 'RUNNING',
            kSize: 32,
            progress: 0.19954303122619954,
        }, {
            id: 'de666862-9c36-44f5-b0e8-7e35d86d7976',
            state: 'SUBMITTED',
            kSize: 32,
            progress: 0,